We See You.
We Believe In You.
You Are Not Alone.
Feminist leaders working together locally to eliminate violence against women globally.
Ishtar advocates for, supports, and empowers women and their children who have been affected by abuse in all forms by providing safe housing, counselling, and education.

For access to transitional housing, call our helpline at 604-530-9442 or if you are in immediate danger, dial 9-1-1
Transition Housing
Explore safe housing options
Staff at our two Transition Houses will provide you with emotional support and personal assistance. They can put you in touch with agencies and resources offering legal, medical or financial help. They will encourage you to explore your options to build safety. Please phone the houses directly for assistance and intake.
604-530-9442 (24/7 Assistance)
Fax: 604-530-2224
Ishtar Transition House is a twelve bed facility in a quiet residential neighbourhood in Langley that provides safe, clean, temporary emergency accommodations for women and their children leaving an abusive relationship. It is a place which is free from the threat of violence. The house is staffed 24 hours and the location of the house is confidential. You will meet other women who have lived through similar circumstances.
604-857-5797 (24/7 Assistance)
Fax: 604-857-0091
Libra Transition House is our ten bed facility in a rural residential area of Aldergrove that provides safe, clean, temporary emergency accommodations for women and their children leaving an abusive relationship. It is a place free from the threat of violence. The house is staffed 24 hours and the location of the house is confidential. You will meet other women who have lived through similar circumstances.
For access to transitional housing, call our helpline at 604-530-9442 or if you are in immediate danger, dial 9-1-1
Transition House From left to right: Living Room, kitchen, bedrooms, and sitting area.
Funded by B.C. Housing
Community Outreach Services
Free and Confidential Support
The Langley and Aldergrove areas provide free and confidential support and resources for women who have experienced, or who are experiencing, any type of abuse in any type of relationship.
For access to transitional housing, call our helpline at 604-530-9442 or if you are in immediate danger, dial 9-1-1
Community-Based Victim Services
Community Based Victim Services
The Community Based Victim Services (CBVS) Program provides support, community referrals and information to female, male and child victims and survivors of intimate partner violence, family violence, child sexual abuse, sexual assault, elder abuse and criminal harassment.
For access to transitional housing, call our helpline at 604-530-9442 or if you are in immediate danger, dial 9-1-1
Programs for Children
PEACE Program for Children and Youth
The PEACE Program for Children and Youth Experiencing Violence is open to children and youth 3–18 years and their non-offending parent/caregiver. The PEACE program provides short term education, information and supportive counselling on an individual and group basis to children and youth who have witnessed or experienced abuse.
Reception at 604-534-1011
For access to transitional housing, call our helpline at 604-530-9442 or if you are in immediate danger, dial 9-1-1
Counselling Services for Women
Get the Support You Need
The Stopping The Violence (STV) Women’s counselling program provides services to women who have experienced violence in their intimate relationships, sexual assault, and/or child abuse. Our program is accessible and welcoming to all self-identifying women residing in the Langley and Aldergrove areas. All STV Counselling services are offered free of charge.
For general program inquiries contact program coordinator at: 604-306-8045 To refer to this program contact the intake counsellor at: 604-306-3228
For access to transitional housing, call our helpline at 604-530-9442 or if you are in immediate danger, dial 9-1-1